IG captions

These were supposed to be 3-2-0 squats but look more like 3-1-0 😩
Will I ever learn how to count weights properly? I thought this was 70lb but it was actually 75lb.
5@8, 160#
3-2-0 squats (for real this time), 5@8.
you can feel the struggle by watching this set | 8@8, 76lb
I was wearing this “Don’t graduate, it’s a trap” shirt, but in reality post graduation life has been treating me very well #byecolbycollege •
 struggled a lot with this session, but somehow got it done. Kinda.
Day 1s are always the most inconsistent workouts of the week.
“Sometimes I lift things other than barbells, like a 135lb stone.
Trying to get over self doubt when lifting, I was convinced this stone wasn’t going to come off the ground and then I received a whole lecture about how there’s no room for self doubt in the gym. #coolthx”
Some #deadlifts from last week. Can’t play the sound because of copyright issues, but Christmas music was playing in the background
I guess it’s time to buy my own belt porque esto va pa’ largo! Any recommendations welcomed! 🙂 
About two months ago I failed an 85lb 1RM attempt for bench, and now I’m kinda repping that number. Noob gainz are real y’all.

deadlifts didn’t go as planned today but I’m just glad I can do them with no back pain during nor after

Bench with the worst camera angle: 5@7.5 40kg From now on every time I come to #murderofcrowsbarbell I will just count in kilos. My heart can’t handle the constant back and forth between kilos and pounds.

New block, who dis? – Things felt heavier than usual this morning so I prioritized rpe over linear progression. Given the past four days I haven’t been tracking protein intake, I’m not surprised by this. #intuitiveeating is hard when all you want to eat is Raisin Bran cereal. –
Today’s workout featured some great hair flips and deadlifts that moved way better than last week’s.
Today was good.
Today’s workout was powered by @rupaulsdragrace soundtracks.
I almost gave up on my 6@8 set of #deadlifts today. Things felt and looked like trash but here I am
I have many things to celebrate about this training session, like the fact that I’m finally repping my body weight 
The good thing about holiday carbs is that my workouts are kinda thriving.
Deadlifts have been the worst but at least my RDLs are okayish
I played myself and miscounted/overestimated how much I was squatting and repeated last week’s weight. On the bright side, my 4@8 140.5lb set this week moved better than my 5@8 140lb last week, so I’ll take it. –
This is the first time in my life I workout in shorts, and you know what? I get it now
Deadlifts were finally moving today
Today my squats were thriving while my bench was dying lmao
Taking a smallish deload this week.
Who would’ve thought deloading was going to be this fun?
Today was kinda uneventful except that I kept hitting the barbell against the bench rack during my sets
Day 1s are inconsistent AF for me. I took a 3 hour nap after this workout.
Trying to get this bread deadlift
bench pr alert👏🏽 Today I realized how draining self lift-offs can be. I asked for a spot/lift-off for my rpe 8 set, and I was so shocked by how light that weight felt in comparison to my rpe 7 set.
This was probably the most inconsistent bench session I’ve had in my life, but it was cold as fuck in the gym and I considered working out in my winter coat and with gloves on. I’ve never been out of the gym this fast in my life.
My ankle is still healing but my squats felt really awesome today. Knee sleeves are magic.
Today was good even though I broke a nail during training. Deadlifts
Hello it’s ya girl hitting squats and bench PRs today
Happy I was able to set a rep PR using the skinny pad bench
At this point I’m just going to bench my way through life, because I’m having some serious bench gainz. Also deadlifts
Today I hit both a bench and squat PR, but I’m the most excited about my bench. Benching is truly the love of my life even though I suck at keeping my shoulders down 
I spent about 20 mins putting my knee sleeves on because my calves weren’t giving in
this is the flattest my back has ever been during deadlifts, maybe I’ll start liking them in 5 years.
Just wondering for how long I can get away with linear progression, because things have been going suspiciously well lately
Today went really well. Now if you excuse me I’m going to go home and eat fried plantains
Today’s workout was powered by all the brownies and candy I ate at work today deadlifts
Training today was hella rough and I was starving during this session. I did not want to bench for the first time in my life and it showed.
I’ve been struggling with bench lately and those self lift offs drain most of my energy
Thanks to NyQuil for the 10 hours of sleep I had last night and for making this session happen.
Note to self: descend faster on the squats otherwise everything feels heavy af 
Squats were 👏🏽moving👏🏽 today. 
Today went really well. Celebrando la independencia dominicana con peso muerto y bench deadlifts
Training today was wild af:
Squats were moving again, bench not so much lmao
Ok deadlifts, let’s get this… over with
Today was one of the best training sessions I’ve had in a while
Squats are going well, bench is decent, can’t wait to start a hypertrophy block post meet
Ended this training session feeling solid af about my lifts even though there were some hiccups along the way. I’m starting to not hate deadlifts, which is progress 
My body feels like trash, am I done peaking yet?
Issa wrap! Openers are feeling solid, here’s to having a good time on Saturday
I went 9 for 9 and hit a PR in all my lifts:
My body hates me rn lmao
I was convinced I was running a fever while squatting but turns out I was just being dramatic. These were too many reps bruh. 
I rolled out of bed to do tempo deadlifts and a bunch of upper body accessory stuff.
dk volume and lift variations are kinda fun
I trained sumo for the first time and I’m ready to switch to bench only lmao. Deadlifts
My legs don’t know what the hell hit them.
Listening to Tempo by Lizzo and Missy Elliott is a good way to through tempo deadlifts
These tempo squats were so slow that I had time to question my life choices while doing them.
I’m going to start wearing contacts on Wednesdays from now on because I can’t do sumo without knowing where my legs and hands are lmao. These were better than last week’s but still feel very unnatural. 
Even though today’s workout was horrible, the new ‘dynamic stretches’ I’ve been incorporating got my hips feeling good as hell
Shockingly, tempo deadlifts are my favorite movement from this block. –
Today @obliviaa told me she thought I was 5’8 and I’ve never been more flattered in my life (I’m 5’3.5 thx v much) 
Some days I can just do the bare minimum, and that’s where I was at today lmao. Mostly posting this because I liked the shirt I was wearing.
Work capacity? I don’t know her
Tempo deadlifts always feel unreal to me (in a good way) lmao.
This workout was powered by Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal, thank you
I’ve been complaining about sumo this entire block and on my last sumo session I realized that it’s actually not even that bad and I have to stop being dramatic. 
Today’s training session was a “mind over body” situation, because I was ready to go home the moment I stepped in lmao.
I feel like I’ve been doing tempo wrong
Close grip bench and high bar squats are the lifts that keep on giving.
Deadlifts didn’t suck today so that was cool.
Celebrating the last day of 8s for squats and bench
 felt my hamstrings tearing apart with these tempo lmao.
My glasses kept falling while squatting but at least I felt cute today
It didn’t feel like I was running a fever while deadlifting today so that was pretty cool.
Maybe I shouldn’t workout on Friday evenings anymore
The way I should’ve been doing 3-1-3 tempo deadlifts all this time vs the way I had been doing them for the past 6 weeks
It’s me trying harder with high bar this time: 
Wondering how I’m going to workout in the summer without drowning in my own sweat.
Training started out bad, then it got better, then it got worse 
I think I’m going to start doing CrossFit 
Grateful I didn’t fall on my ass while squatting without glasses today 
These hurt my soul
This was the best training session I’ve had in a long time even though my hips/back have been feeling like trash lately
My back was not having it today so considered that my top set for the day
Squatting under a fan is cool and all until your hair gets in your mouth and you forget how to brace properly because… there’s hair in your mouth.
a lil bench rep PR today: 105lbx5 @ 8.5🎉 it didn’t move as fast as I wanted and had some misgrooves but I’m still happy about this.
My hips were happy during today’s training, so was I
Lifting while lo-fi is playing in the background is the way to go. Deadlifts: 193×4 @ 8 and 187×4 @ 7 (v happy with these given last Monday I couldn’t get more than one rep at 187lb because of hip pain)
Things are moving
I had a very solid training day today. Deadlifts
Squats took a big L today but at least I got to bench 100lbx7 @ 8 twice!
I tried to channel some Big D(eadlift) Energy today and it worked lmao. 
Currently trying to find an empanada place by the gym. I lifted with no pain today🤩
This is the first time I trained 3x in a row and let me tell you, it did not go well. Only did about 40% of my workout lmao. deadlifts 
I should descend faster on my comp squats and stop thinking that I’m going to get crushed by the weight lmao 
I’m switching to bench only
My squats are kinda thriving right now even though I’m still scared of being crushed by the bar. –
’m leaving behind negative self talk when it comes to deadlifts. –
V surprised I didn’t fall considering all the shit my mind was saying during this set lmao. Didn’t hit depth on third rep, but I’m happy with this overall. 
Alright, we’re back on track with deadlifts.
Today was hot trash
insert the “it ain’t much but it’s honest work” meme Deadlifts: Posting all the sets because I’m actually very happy with these
Started a deload today, so I’m living my best life.
My two braids have made a come back because this weather is not forgiving of my hair.
Underwhelmed, but got it done
Still feeling very burnt out and just trying to push through this 
Repeated same weight for top sets and the second set was pretty awful. Tons of knee cave and hair in my mouth
Today was surprisingly good. Switched pin presses for 2-count paused bench press and that felt more natural for me. 
We’re back on track… for real. Deadlifts
I googled whether I should lift with a cold, and the internet said yes, so here I am. The only thing is that even warm ups felt like rpe 10
Really hoping the reason everything felt so hard today is because I’m still sick. Deadlifts
something about still being sick and something about discipline over motivation
This is fine. 209lbx1 and back offs at 187lbx3x4
Squats: 176lbx4 @ 7.5, first and third back off shown at 170lbx4 (this was a weird volume PR)
I have many many things to celebrate about today’s training session (like hitting a 60kg bench for the first time🤩), but the most important thing was that for the first time in months I enjoyed working out
Today was great, too🥳
This was hard but I tried harder. 
My brain straight up melted at least 3 times today yet here I am
taking some bby steps 🍰 – Back offs at 173lbx5x4 which is a 1lb volume PR.
My squats were higher than my hopes today
My soul and lats hurt
Today was cool. I hit a bby 2.5kg squat pr (but need to figure out depth), and bench is still the lift that keeps on giving
I just want to highlight how I benched 110lbx4 for 5 sets after a single at rpe 7. What is my life right now?
How dare 62.5kg/138lb move this well lmao
Hey Siri get me a lyft home
It only took me 5 months, but I finally learned how to deadlift again
There were a couple of hiccups along the way, but we made it fam. 
First time in 2.5 months that I’m not dripping in sweat by the end of a workout.
I was only able to do the bare minimum today tbh. Deadlifts
trying to have it all tbh
I did some readings in between sets and it distracted me from how damn heavy everything felt today.
very grateful for progress, even when it’s small and feels slow.
I did 70% of a workout at the gym that’s in my job’s building and this wasn’t it lmao. Not pictured: the dude who was doing pull ups right in front of me while I was benching.
Today something clicked and I remembered how to squat to depth, and also hit a tiny bench volume PR
this was a fantastic training day
Today was also quite fantastic
I benched 121lbx4 (121 was my third attempt in march) and 115.7lbx4 for3 sets and now I can’t feel my lats. I also squatted without knee sleeves (thanks to Evelyn for convincing me) and it wasn’t horrible. Today was a big win.
ya’ll I don’t hate deadlifting anymore and for the most part I look forward to doing them. Who is this person I’m becoming lmao
everything felt like rpe 12 bc I’m lowkey sick

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